Monday, November 14, 2005


"61 fiberartists, all members of the International Freeform Artist’s Guild were given a unique challenge. Each artist selected one yarn and sent 61 five-yard skeins of that yarn to a central location. In return each artist received 61 different skeins from fellow artists all over the world. There was no coordination of color, texture, or any other artistic components. The Challenge was to create their own interpretation of fiber art using only those yarns. Artists include members from Australia, Canada, Estonia, Greece, Ireland, Kuwait, UK, US, Wales and Yemen."

The two scrumbles shown are my contribution to this escapade. Why not have a look at the really amazing pieces the others produced. I've recently taken part in an exciting challenge "

"It takes a long time to grow an old friend."

THURSDAY 10 November

I've only known, Lynne & Ellie a couple of years but something tells me that we'll be doddering around together when the zimmer frames are needed. I can't think of a better way to spend a day off work than mooching around with people you like. Poor Ellie had to work so could only join us for the eating and tea drinking but managed to squeeze in some talking in that time. We were joined at lunch and the first part of the afternoon by Julie, who I hadn't met before so there was plenty to talk about. What did we do? Do you mean apart from eating lunch and talking and sitting in Patisserie Valerie and drinking tea and eating and talking? Well, we dropped in on Bravissimo and one of us had an uplifting experience. If you've been there you'll know what I'm talking about. We also managed to fit in a few bookshops and Lynne and I were tempted by the new Canongate myth series. Lynne came away with Karen Armstrong's "A Short History of Myth" and Margaret Atwood's "The Penelopiad". I was more controlled and just bought the Atwood book.
I'm in very erudite company when I tag along with these two. Ellie works in publishing and Lynne is an experienced reviewer and manuscript vetter. I'm a bit of a lapsed reader so it's just as well that this pair keep a watchful eye on my reading.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Finally I got to meet Ms Susie B-M the steel magnolia from Oz! She only had 3 days inLondon so I claimed Tuesday as mine. I have the feeling that Susie was a bit wary about what I might make her do and perhaps her concerns were justified - we spent 11 hours on our feet and then I still had to get home!!