Now what can I do with them. I thought I could bung some silver wire through them and use the old man's soldering iron to fix them in place. Life's never that easy is it? Electrical solder isn't the same as silver solder and his soldering iron might not reach the right temperature. Why is everything so technical? Far too technical for a dumb brunette like me!
Go ahead and use your silver or beading wire, but get yourself to a bead shop and buy some separator beads to put between the felt balls. Or get some crimping beads to hold the balls suspended on the wire. Or you could use bead caps, if you want to get fancy.
Looking forward to seeing the finished product!!
Now that I know you were still breathing on December 30th I'm quite relieved, I guessed you had been too busy crocheting a block of flats or the county of Devon
Worried of the rebelcot!
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